Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday, September 29, Hays, KS

Took a break near Vail to enjoy the view of the headwaters of the Colorado River. It's actually blue and clear.(Actually this picture should be after the one at Grand Junction, but I haven't mastered Blogspot yet)

This is one of the wonders I saw after a few miles down the highway. No wonder people love living in the wonderful State of Colorado. This was near Grand Junction.
I wasn't quite prepared for the smog I encountered when I came in to Denver.
During the midst of all this beautiful scenery I listened as congress argued and the stock market dove to a loss of 800 at one point.
I began to wonder if we should contact Queen Elizabeth and confess our inability to govern ourselves. Maybe she might be willing to take us back if we are contrite.
Can we survive as a nation until Obama can take over? Or will we be a cadaver country by then? I can only think that Barack's calm demenor will provide the reassurance that people are yearning for. Fortunately my TV gets the Rachael Maddow show and she and her commentators helped it all seem better - that and some readings from William Sloan Coffin. More tomorrow.

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