Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Farmer Daniel Greenfield

Daniel and I often go out on sign duty, posting large 4 x 8 foot signs, a number of which are replacements for those that have been take down by vandels. One of the interesting things I found out about Daniel is that he is the only PhD farmer I know. The other day I got a chance to visit Daniel's farm.

Early Morning Assembly

Three vets met for our Saturday early morning assembly. Willie is a Korean war vet. John and I are Vietnam era vets. All agree that Obama has a great record on veterans benefits. It is absolutely essential that we honor our vets by providing them with first class health care, especially for PTSD. It is absolutely shameful that so many of our vets are homeless, about 25 per cent of all homeless are vets.

In the picture above, notice all the young people. In our office, the entire operation is run by young people.
It is really good to see that our country is in such good hands.

Saturday Walking a Cuyahoga Falls Neighborhood

Willie and I spent Saturday walking another Cuyahoga Falls Neighborhood near the park where we assemble for our walking assignments. One of the interesting people we met was Ed Warner. He has lived in the neighborhood for around 20 years. In that time he has seen many changes as the neighborhood has transitioned from one of older families to younger. He works on road construction as a flagman or pipelayer, whatever is needed. He said that the economy has really hurt him, as work has become more difficult to come by. As a union man he is especially worried about his pension. Now he has began to notice more and more homes up for sale due to bankrupcies, though it is not as bad as in other neighborhoods. Ed is convinced that we can not afford another four more year of the same.

Sometime ago a middeclass income could buy a very nice house in this neighborhood. Not anymore. These people are falling further and further behind.